Update 38 - Import Export, Bugs and Quality of Life

Greetings, Hard Chip players!

A new week ends, a new release get out! Let's jump right in

1. New Import/Export from Clipboard, Files or Internet: Exchanging chips with people was kind of cumbersome. You had to find the file in Hard Chip's folder and then copy past it to another Hard Chip's folder in the same place. But you really wanted to show that specific piece you're working on have an opinion on our Discord server!

Introducing export!

And when there is export, there is Import:

Enjoy sharing your chips!

2. New Auto Stop on the next clock cycle: This function is an absolute must for people who want to go farther than the Chapter 1 and try more complex chip by themselves. When the clock changes state, the simulation will be automatically stopped, allowing you to go then slower or step by step. No need to try to hit pause at the right time! Perfect!

3. New/Update Undo/Redo Setting/Fix: This one was painful at least at one point to every player. Passed the 64 chip modification, no other modification were added to the undo/redo stack. And when you hit Ctrl+Z, you'd lost everything!
This has not only been fixed but improved. You can now undo with Ctrl+Z, redo with Ctrl+Y, and you can change the amount of modification you want to keep track off with a new settings:

After you have paid for the whole RAM.

4. New Graphics Settings, UI Scale and Chromatic Aberration: find the UI is tool small? or you can't bear the post process on it ? Give this a try:

 QOL, Bug, and Crash fixes:
1. All challenges are now binary files, taking less space. (not that they were big, but the new feature of import/export benefited file format)
2. Fix the Clock not outputting up in Demos
3. Tentative fix on errors to access game files.
4. Typo fixes in UI
5. Updated Logo
6. You can now go back to the workstation after finishing the game
7. Update player data file are now in the Data/Saves for settings, progression and chip files and Data/Library for components.
8. Flickering modals and windows has been removed

On another note! Hard Chip appeared for the first time on a stream! BiteMe Games roasted the game. Take a look at their reactions and chat reactions! Quite interesting!

Give the guys' youtube channela sub!

As always, your feedback/suggestions/comments are instrumental in making this game.

Thank you for playing Hard Chip, and stay tuned for more updates and new features!

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