Update 33 - New progression screen with new Introduction challenges

Greetings, Hard Chip players!

One value of Hard Chip is: "Easy to learn, hard to master". So far it has been only about hard stuff and not so much about easy learning! This update introduces some new tests on how to make Hard Chip easy to learn!

1. New Progression Screen: Previously, the story mode was the main entry point for the player. It used a small set of 5 challenges and has a full tutorial. Not one player managed to finish it. The steps were too high giving little place for learning; it was a place of suffering lol. The tutorial was basically dumping all there is to know to the player, and then good luck and byyye!

Introducing the new primary game mode! It consists of steps and levels to unblock to go further in the game. The "Traces" and "Transistors" steps try to replace parts of the ancient tutorial (which is still accessible in the Story Mode). Their 6 challenges are simpler and focus on exposing one game mechanic at a time.

Those sections will have more challenges as this is only the beginning and many game mechanics doesn't have a challenge that introduces them (like: Blueprint, Clock, Flip/Rotate, etc...). If players reach the "Gates" step, this will indicate that this is a good way!

2. Update Less UI is more: the 6 first challenge uses a simplified UI corresponding to what the player absolutely needs to solve them.

Only those 6 first challenges have this light user interface. The end goal is to have the player introduced to each UI feature, one at a time by a specific challenge before adding that UI element. Right now the rest of the challenges are like before.

3. New Rotation! Oh my goodness, we can rotate blocks! We can now have transistors turned has well. With the flip feature from 3.8 you can now reuse fewer blueprints. Ex: your AND gate is plenty; can place it in every direction possible!

When you have blocks ready to be placed, just Keypress 'R' to rotate it. 'F' stills flip X/Z/both it as well.

3QOL, Bug, and Crash fixes:

1. Fix switching PMOS-NMOS on click
2. Minimal instruction modal and minimal challenge report modal
3. Fix Render delay when the voxel field is updated (depending on the speed, it could miss updated positions)
4. Fix Vacant IO mos indicator not showing
5. Trying new schematics look and feel
6. Undo/Redo, stop the simulation and reset validators
7. Option to allow 
8. The best player score is saved between restart 

As always, your feedback/suggestions/comments are instrumental in making this game.

Thank you for playing Hard Chip, and stay tuned for more updates and new features!


HardChip_win64_v0.0.3.10.zip 132 MB
Dec 24, 2023

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